Is El Rushbo El Finito?

Granted, I'm a conservative that doesn't believe Rush speaks for me. But he's got sponsors bailing on him, plus the fact that he actually issued an apology IMHO makes his views compromised now. He used to hammer relentlessly with no apologies, even refusing to give Obama any credit for getting the head of Bin Laden.

That being said, is Rush at the end of the line and will his show be cancelled? If so, when?

KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!!2012-03-05T09:41:07Z

Favorite Answer

Nah, this isn't the first time Rush has had sponsors bail. He will find new ones.

And for the record, I don't think he has any reason to apologize. I don't care for Rush, but don't see why he should.

If Ms. Fluke is dumb enough to go in front of a public hearing and admit to needing over $3,000 in contraceptives that she can't afford (yet somehow affords tuition for a $45,000 per year law school), then she effectively opened herself up to the ridicule.

The 1st Amendment works both ways.

Bill Maher called Larah Ingram a slut…he and Dave Letterman lobbed all sorts of terrible insults at Sarah Palin AND her daughters, yet the libs never called for their blood the way some of them are with Limbaugh. Hypocrites.

Deplorable and Proud2012-03-05T09:42:05Z

He's still got 10's of millions of fans so it's hard to believe he's finished. When this blows over the sponsors will come. They will come because they know whats good for them; millions of captive ears that can help their businesses.


No, he's not. And he's not apologizing for his view, he's apologizing for his wording. Only the Left is allowed to call people dirty names, the Right is not allowed.


Who would have ever thought Glenn Beck would get the heave ho from Fox News?

I would be doing a dance to see Rush get the boot!


El Flusho.

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