Beval LTD--- good saddle?

Opinions on the brand and the saddle itself would be nice.
I promise this is the last saddle question.


Favorite Answer

It's a good brand and that saddle looks pretty nice except for the areas where there are problems. In addition to what's listed, the leather is about to split on the seat. This is an expensive repair to replace the whole seat, but a saddler can glue on patches that work well and are inexpensive. The patches would be under your thighs, so no one would see them when you're riding (I had this done once).

Do you really know what size saddle you need? The last one was 17" and this one is 16". 16" is pretty small for an English saddle unless you are a skinny person. I ride in a 16 or 16.5", but the "average" size for most adult English saddles is probably 17 or 17.5".

ℒa ℬella ℒuna2012-03-09T01:22:46Z

Bevals are pretty good saddles, and they're a name people recognize.

16" is small, and not really a popular size so you'll have a small pool of people you could sell to. It's also plain flapped, and kind of out of style. Everyone wants padded flaps with knee and thigh blocks.