Obama says that people should pay their fair share?

what is fair about men paying for a women's rights issue that they have no say in it ? isn't it simple? if there is a "rights issue" that caters to gender,race, religion. then shouldn't those in those categories only pay for their own "personal and individual rights?


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We pay for a lot of things we wouldn't agree with. We also pay our politicians health care and pension while they do nothing for us. Gender, race, and religious rights issues are not things we get taxed for. Those depend simply on us as citizens treating each other right and repecting one another despite our differences not tax dollars.


As a woman, I don't want to pay for other women's right to make choices I will never participate in...so, no, it's not fair for you as a man or me as non-participating party. People of any race, religion or gender should pay for their personal and individual choices or "rights".


Really? That would mean he thinks the nearly 50% who pay NO income tax should start paying some. I wonder how much he has in mind. Or this just more lies and deceit?


The problem with what Mr. Obama says and how he would like to make it so are two different things.
He would like everyone else to pay for things that only the government would control. Nothing is factual in what he wants but Socialism for you and I.


It's a nice sentiment. Everyone likes fairness. The problem is that we have different ideas of what is fair.

He seems to believe that it is fair for everyone to pay for everyone else. I believe it is fair for everyone to decide how to spend his own money.

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