When did your kid lose the pacifier?

My almost 17-month-old daughter only takes her paci for sleeping (never shows interest in it unless it's time for a nap or bedtime). But I have a feeling that she would be pretty upset if she didn't have it when it was time to go to sleep. Anyhow, I'm not planning on weaning her from the paci any time soon, but I was just curious when some of your children stopped needing a paci. How old were they, and how did it go? Did you have to take it away, or did they eventually wean themselves from it? Thanks!


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My son was 2 when we got rid of it for good. He only used it at bed and nap time also. I didn't take it away I just poked holes in the tip so it didn't work very well, cut the tip off and then slowly cut more and more off until it was "broken" he was a little upset the first night that it was completely broken but got over it quickly and we threw it away and that was that.


I never gave mine a paci...but when she was about three months old I had to stay in the hospital for a week. My mom, who was watching her, got her on one. She was on it for a few weeks, (I was not happy about it,) and one day I just forgot to give it back to her after she ate in the afternoon. I never gave it back, and she was just fine.


I tried giving my baby a paci but he never liked them lol. He would clamp his gums on it and give me a look like what the heck you tryin to do mommy and he would spit it out. So we never gave him anymore.