can dogs that have been exposed to kennel cough, but dont have it, be contagious? /?

My chihuahua has been exposed to kennel cough for like over a week now, and doesn't have it (the vet said she would have got it by now, and she never gets sick) but even though she doesn't have it, is she contagious since she's been around it?


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If she don't have it by now, no


Is your dog vaccinated? If so, she can still catch the disease, but have antibodies to fight it off, this doesn't mean that she doesn't "have it", she can still be a "carrier" or "harbor" the virus, and other dogs can catch it by being exposed to her.

If she's not vaccinated, her immune system may have fought it off before it could progress and show symptoms, again, this is not to say she doesn't have it, or isn't carrying it. Some diseases can lie dormant and wait for the immune system to be suppressed, once it's suppressed the disease can effect the dog. She may not "have it" but she can still harbor it, mean it can still be within her, waiting for a moment to strike when her immune system is occupied fighting other things off, or she could be a "carrier", her immune system has fought it off, but she still "has it".


yes it is possible
talk to vet


there is a possibility that she is, but without symptoms- you can't really be absolutely sure she isn't. i know, i know- BIG help.