What is Nerium AD and who is the actual manufacturer?

I was asked to try it and frankly it seems to be just another Melalucca-Amway-Acai-Airbonne-type.....pyramid scheme. I am trying to find out who actually makes it. All I get is endless "reviews" that are really just sales pitches. I assume I'll get more of the same here but am hoping for at least one honest answer.

lorie v2012-03-11T18:46:55Z

Favorite Answer

I checked out their video after this question looked real good but not enough info on them and their product I know that Dr. Oz recomends Peter Thomas Roth Products he said they are really good never tried them but plan to try at least one in the future


Where Is Nerium Manufactured


I found a blog (in the source box) for complete information on Nerium AD and its applications for getting a younger looking skin by removing the fine lines, wrinkles and loose skin. It is an all natural product with no harmful chemicals making it all the more effective.

Kelly S2014-03-25T09:48:29Z

Hi there,
Here are two websites that show where Nerium is researched:

...and developed/manufactured:

Hope that helps!


Hola te invito a que conoscas una linea de cremas que son excelentes!! Trabaja en arrugas, lineas de expresion, manchas causadas por el sol! Tambien a sido bien efectiva en la condicion de Rosacea!! Dado el caso, hubieron personas con curiosidad y comenzaron a trarar Nerium AD en estrias, cicatrices, hasta en las huellas de acne! Y todos con resultados excelentes!! Lo que diferencia a Nerium de otras cremas es que te trabaja todo en uno!! No necesitas comprar una crema diferente para cada problema en la piel ya que ella hace la funcion de todo!!! Tambien tienes la garantia que si no te funciona dinero devuelto! yo tengo casi dos meses usandolas y creme que son maravillosas aqui te dejoo mi link para que veas un video donde explica con detalle la revolucion Nerium creme que sou una maravilla .www.marisolj.nerium.com

Real Science, Real Results :: Nerium International

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