So far I know of: Irish wolfhound Russian wolfhound Hairless Chinese crested Peruvian inca orchid Bull terrier Saluki Pharaoh dog American hairless terrier Bedlington terrier Stabbyhoun
What are some more rare and uncommon dog breeds?
Favorite Answer
These sighhound breeds: Azawakh Sloughi Silken Windhound Chart Polski Ibizan Hound Podenco Galgo
Have you seen those breeds that look like wolves? Such as the Tamaskan and Sarloos WolfDog? I think they are pretty exotic looking. And there isn't many breeders of them, if any, in the United States.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you consider beautiful, someone else may think is ugly. Do your own research by going to the FCI site where you will find many breeds that you won't see on AKC's pages.