Whats the difference between a yeast infection and genital herpes?

What are symptoms of each? Is it obvious when you have one or the other or can only a doctor tell you? How do you know when you have one or the other?


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Herpes: painful, blistery ulcers, flu-like symptoms, in women, perhaps some increased discharge.

Yeast: itching, redness, possibly some peeling skin or slight rash. Women may also have yeasty-smelling, lumpy (cottage cheese like) discharge.

I suppose the initial redness and tingling/itching of herpes could be mistaken for a yeast infection, but once the blisters/sores appear, it's pretty obvious.








My best friend has had genital herpes for about eight months now, and it's been really rough. She's had about 7 outbreaks. Everywhere I read it says it stops flaring up so much after time, but its not getting less frequent for her. She's been on Antiviral meds the whole time, too. She also has type 1 diabetes which she has had her whole life, which really weakens her immune system. Will it ever get better?

But after a friend share this video everything has changed.
Natural Safe Herpes Remedy?

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