is it a good idea to get a 125cc scooter?

i thinking about getting a scooter to drive to college because of the cheap petrol insureance and everything (college is 3.8 miles away all main roads)


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as advantages :
-I can tell you the enormous time savings and flexibility in stop and go city traffic list with lower fuel consumption than a parking area problems.. .. excursions during the weekends, for example, to secluded lakes,where it is more difficult to reach this places with a car..When using a lockable top box, you can do plenty of shopping, if you have a heavy backpack full of the hook between the legs and the rest (up to 10kg) storing in the top box! -
as disadvantages:
if you have no wind will quickly freeze and get wet in bad weather..
..a whole case of beer that will only fit in the old 2-stroke Vespa's in the storage room for the legs ..
@-there can only be one Hun :
-my LXR-125 runs over 115km/h..on the highway..

Tim D2012-03-13T14:45:39Z

Do you know how long 4 miles will take on a bicycle?

Cheaper petrol, cheaper insurance and everything.

A 125 will handle most road conditions, it can get a bit hairy on a dual carriageway or a motorway but there are always alternative routes.


better of to just get a ninja 250-r there fun there fast and there small and they look 100X better then a scooter you can find some on craigslist for 1200-1600$$$

there can only be one!2012-03-13T12:42:41Z

if you can match traffic speed without getting run down then yes ... probbley top speed of 30 to 40 mph