3 Errors in Java code. Please help.?

Hi I need some help with this code please: import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Tuition
public static void main(String[] args)
//Declare Variables
int hours;
double fees, rate, tuition;

//Call Methods
hours = getHours();
rate = getRate(hours);
tuition = calcTuition(hours, rate);
fees = calcFees(tuition);
displayTotal(tuition + fees);

public static void displayWelcome()
System.out.println("Welcome to the Tuition and Fees Calculator");

public static int getHours()
//Declare Variables
BufferedReader dataIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String strHours;
int hours = 0;

//Prompt User for input
System.out.println("\t\tEnter total number of hours used by students");
hours = dataIn.readLine();
hours = Integer.parseInt(strHours);
catch(NumberFormatException e)
System.out.println("Please input whole numbers");

return hours;

public static double getRate(int hours)
if (hours > 15)
System.out.println("\t\tCalculate rate per credit hour");


if(hours < 15)
System.out.println("Credit hours are inaccurate");

return Rate;

public static double calcTuition(int hours, double rate)
//Accept two values
rate = rate * hours;

return Tuition;

public static double calcFees(double tuition)
//Accept double Value
double fees;

fees = tuition * 0.8;

return fees;

public static void displayTotal(double total)
//Construct DecimalFormat pattern for currency
DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("$000.00");

double fees;
double tuition;

System.out.println("Your total is: "+ tuition+".");

The Errors are: java:49: error: incompatible types
hours = dataIn.readLine();

java:74: error: cannot find symbol
return Rate;

java:82: error: cannot find symbol
return Tuition;

In the dataIn.readLine statement, I have hours twice because I dont know what else to use. I have tried all the others like rate, tuition etc, but cant come right there. Also the two return statements; rate and tuition are incorrect. Could someone please assist me here.

Thank You. God Bless :-)


Favorite Answer

Correct like this
return rate;
return tuition;


You might want to keep the case of the variable names the same, that is to say rate =\= Rate

not sure about the first error, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5845750/readline-in-java-compile-time-error might help you there