Dog breed name question?

Ok I just thought of something so was wondering if anyone else felt/thought the same.

As some of use known people breeding Australian Labradoodles are trying to make this into a real breed - fair enough.

Am I the only one who thinks that maybe just MAYBE if that really is their end goal the "breed's" name should be reflective of the breed itself?

My reasons for why they should drop the whole labradoodle part
1. honestly whenever I heard doodle anything I think of the old magnad-doodle toy
2. Labradoodle still gives the impression that the dog is just a lab/poodle mix. It's not. The AL has other breeds, mostly spaniel and CC retriver worked in.

Maybe its just me, but anyone else thinking the same way? If anything call it the Australian Retriever considering all the breeds that have gone into this "breed".


ETA: Well after doing some looking - One of the founders of the original labradoodle club in Aus. on her site states its now called the Australian Cobba dog. And yes they have decided to no longer try for AKC or ANKC recognition(ten to one because they were still failing to meet the needs required for recognition) and have since jumped to MDBA - Master Dog breeder association.


Mamabas: not really. Its still at this point going to be a designer mutt, even if they are bucking they designer nature of the animal and claiming its still above your average crossbreed. My point was from the aspect of taking it(if it were ever to become an actual breed) more seriously.


Memphis: I doubt Mr. Conron would want his name attached to this since year back he came out publicly and admitted after he'd already shut down his own program(again consistency issues) that he wished he'd never thrown open the door for the current stock of breeders. Doesn't make much sense to name the breed after someone who wishes they'd never gone down that path.

"People say aren't you proud of yourself, and I say, no. Not in the slightest. I've done so much harm to pure breeding and made these charlatans quite rich."

"I opened a Pandora's box, that's what I did. I released a Frankenstein. So many people are just breeding for the money."

☆ Memphis Belle ☆2012-03-15T11:14:41Z

Favorite Answer

If the intention was over many generations to have it recognized as a standalone breed apart from the foundation breeds, the Standard Poodle and Labrador, then it should have what would name unique to the breed.

Maybe Conron after Wally Conron the person credited with creating the breed.


As far as I've read recently the Australians have given up on trying to create the breed - its not breeding consistent and the dogs are NOT non-shedding as was claimed. Its still a gamble as to the looks and shedding of the dogs no matter how many times they try to breed one to the other. Its not consistent at all.

The project was stopped a few yrs ago due to no consistency. If in the future its created to be a breed, then YES the name should be changed to something else. As of now a "labradoodle" is nothing more then a mutt that is a lab x poodle cross.


What I think? They're putting Australia to shame, and being an Aussie, it shytes me off.

What I don't understand is why some random mixed breed can suddenly become a real breed. But all the chiweenies, spoodles, and yorkipoos are still called Mutts!? If they keep going on like this all dogs will become 'real breeds' and you'll no longer be able to define what's pure and what's mutt!

Mr. Conron should've thought of what the possible effects of creating his "breed" were, before he started.


SALIM- LOL, fail. Should've read the Question.


Do you really think the name matters that much? For me, the Labrador is still going to be a mix-bred dog, one who hasn't been the success the original breeder hoped for too. Regardless of what it's called, fact is the problems with the mix will still be there. For me there are already enough proper breeds in the world, without any of this putting two breeds together, and hoping it will work!!

Heck, even spell check doesn't like Labradoodle LOL


i imagine that is tremendous you've such an lively mind's eye. there is not any "German Shepherd Police canines" breed. there's a ok-9 education facility close to the position I stay and trust me, the dogs are literally not any higher than widespread GSDs and Belgian Malinois. the in uncomplicated words distinction is that the dogs are nicely bred for operating and performance been educated appreciably. Your little hate tale about pits is cute yet no one with a mind believes you own a educated police canines.

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