When is it safe to introduce a bottle of pumped breast milk?

My son is 9 days old and I have only been breastfeeding the entire time. I breastfed my first son, but because he was jaundice at birth I had to pump and bottle feed him for the first week or so. That is not the case this time, so I'm just curious when it is safe to introduce a bottle ( to avoid nipple confusion). I have pumped a few times and have some milk stored in the freezer, his father would like to be able to feed him if I should need to go out for more than a few hours. So my question is how long should we wait to introduce a bottle of pumped breast milk.

Sarah L2012-03-19T16:49:16Z

Favorite Answer

They say 6 weeks but ive never had a problem with confusion. My last baby took only bottles of pumped milk for 2 months then one day he took to the breast and refused bottles there after


At any time trust me there will Brno confusion he mutt not want it at first but he will eventually take it!