Don't really know what happened but all the files have been deleted off my memory card for my blackberry?

I had the card in the computer, and I was about to put some files onto it, but the comp couldn't find the card. So I took the card out and put it back into my phone, when I put it in it said that the files had been damaged and that it failed to repair them, I put the card back into the comp to see if my files were still there, but most of the folders had just been turned into files that couldn't be opened, and now on my phone It also won't let me save any images because it says its 'unable to open media card'. And also another strange thing is that when I tried to put files back onto the card after this had happened it wouldn't let me because it said it was full, so could my files be still on there??Help anyone? Please!


Favorite Answer

This could be the device problem... I would recommend you to report that problem to the device/mechanical service...

Good luck!