Eating healthy, can't seem to find a solid answer?

I am 200 lbs, 6'3", 27 years old, male, I ride a bike 3.5-4 miles a day.. I am going to start doing Yoga, and I want to get down to 175. According to most online sources, to do this, I need around 3200 calories a day. My question is, how can I do this with health in mind? I was told that given these numbers, I should consume 80-90 grams of fat per day.. that seems outrageous to me... So how can I get my calories healthily? I am trying to avoid meats, as well, but I am ok with dairy. Thanks.

Diane B.2012-03-21T10:53:09Z

Favorite Answer

First, 175 lbs at 6'3" sounds too light to me, especially considering that a lot of that weight will be muscle instead of fat (which weighs more).
And any figure given for number of calories per day will be affected by how quickly you want to lose the weight (all 25 pounds in 2 weeks or 2 months or two years?).

Also not sure where you were looking online for losing weight, but 80-90 grams of fat is too much for most anyone --on any kind of "diet" or not.

The first weight loss calorie "calculator" I happened to look at said this for your stats (doing heavy exercise daily):
...."You should consume about 2,894 calories a day to reach your goal weight of 175 lbs . This is at a reasonable weight loss average of 1 lbs per week, which should be reached by September 12, 2012.
Experts recommend weight loss at the rate of 0.5-2 lbs/week. Remember that this estimate is based on your body weight, height, age, gender, and activity level. It may vary slightly depending on other factors...."

That recommendation doesn't say anything about amount of fat or protein or anything else though since those things don't have anything to do with losing weight per se...that would be up to you, and you'd just concentrate on eating "healthy" foods, etc, that would rack up to a total of 2900 calories per day (on that time schedule).

Here are more weight loss calculators to check out and compare:

As for eating healthy in general, you'll have to eat much more volume to make up for lack of meats, but check out some of my answers about eating healthy and sites that give ideas and recipes (even options for "vegetarian") in my answers to these questions:;_ylt=AudsXi3WuRezJIZq5FUVABfty6IX?qid=20070227121914AAfZq8F
food scale + booklet, calorie counters: healthy/WeightWatchers recipes, for all kinds of foods: (scroll down to see list of recipe categories)
DrGourmet site's recipes, etc:
healthy cookbooks + Cooking Light site

Oh, and a few more:;_ylt=AiapHY7w.PLZ__YYqC2sAQXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090627000749AAL4afQ
(see below as well)


3,200 calories per day sounds completely outrageous to me. I can understand you need more at your size but it just seems so wrong for weight loss.
Yoga doesn't really help you lose any weight. Your bike riding will do a way better job. Yoga will help your flexibility and depending which positions you do you can build/ strengthen certain muscles. I have been doing yoga somewhat regularly for a little over a year. When I want to maintain weight I will do it all the time because I just like it. When I actually want to lose some weight I will cut back on it and replace it with cardio.
You can get your fats from dairy and vegetable oils and certain vegetables.


Check with your family doctor for some sound suggestions. Maybe get a hold of a Nutritionist also!


what do you mean a solid answer? there are 1000's of theories....pick idiot..also, riding a bike for a grand total of 4 miles day is pathetic....