How can I attract girls that I am attracted to?

Hello, I have an idea in my head of what physical beauty is to me.. I have a "type" when I look around a room that I think is beautiful beyond other types.. Everyone does... Here is the issue, I think I carry myself with pretty decent confidence.. I walk with super good posture, always smiling or looking happy.. positive all around.. plus I am a nice guy.. I don't fight, I don't talk about douchey, jerkey stuff that your typical "bro" talks about, and I don't dress like them... I am 27, 6'3"... 200 pounds... I consider myself decent looking... I have an established (6 years) career, 3 retirement accounts, a great job that pays me 2,000 more per month than I need.. my own place, with the risk, but not the intention of sounding cocky here, I really do have a lot going for me.. So why, I mean, why can't I get girls that I find attractive to give me second notice? I am not going for the barbies, I am not going for the chicks that take duck face pics... no bullshit high school activity more or less... I want an adult woman who has a good life going... I just want to also be attracted to her... if even just slightly... I mean... I get hit on by 3 types... women over 50 (which is flattering, they have had 50 years+ of knowing what's good...), gay guys (again flattering, but not for me), and large women... not chubby, obese.. I have lots of friends in all 3 categories, but none of them strike my attractiveness key... FAT IS NOT UNATTRACTIVE TO ME FOR WHAT IT IS SO PLEASE, NO HATE SPEECH.. I am trying to get into yoga, I want to get fit, and I try to be healthy... being obese is not healthy and it doesn't fit in with the life style I envision, that is the extent of it. So I suppose my question is, how can I attract healthy, driven, smart women?


Favorite Answer

Join a reputable online dating site. That really is a good way to meet kindred spirits. I met my husband that way.