Do you believe Obama has held true to his confessed religion?

In what ways?


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I tried to follow that, find that out, asked Q's and was shot down
for daring to ask for daring to even THINK it mattered.

I wouldn't have cared if he had not professed Christianity.
I remember him praying, going to a Christian church for
a long time.

I didn't see that anymore, and even saw excerpts from books he
wrote that indicated he was definitely NOT a Christian, although
maybe some churches would find all that OK.

I also began to see his really strong affiliation with his
roots, homosexuality being acceptable, Muslim leanings,
going to Africa, seeming to PREFER that.

Well, maybe that was hidden from him also, who knows?
So, I'd have to vote 'no'.


What lies are you following now?

What religion is he "supposed" to have "confessed" to?

If someone is filling your head with this stuff report them to the school authorities!

Homeland Security is having to put more and more time and resources into tracking christians who seek to tear up the constitution, destroy democracy and foment a second civil war to install a christian dictatorship!

A chilling warning was issued to US police forces several years back about the threat of a rise in violent right wing and christian extremist groups fueled by recession and hostility over the first black president!

In March last year federal agents arrested and charged nine members of a Christian militia based in Michigan, calling itself the Hutaree with plotting to murder local police. The FBI has also made arrests in Seattle and San Francisco.

Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez was charged with attempting to murder the President last year!

Seems these people are not just a bigger threat to American freedoms than external terrorists but completely anti American!