How do you believe Romney's religious affiliation would affect the decisions he'd have to make as President?

please feel free to give example situations.


Do you ever get the impression that he is just a puppet on a long string controlled by the Mormon leaders?


Favorite Answer

I dont think they'll affect any decisions he makes. Thats because I don't think he actually has any opinions of his own. He just flip flops on issues based on what he thinks will get him votes, not what he actually thinks.

Robert Abuse2012-03-22T07:56:39Z

Presidents of the USA do not make decisions, they do exactly as they are told to do.
So it really doesn`t matter who you have as president.

In fact I do not even know why you go through the farce of elections over there at all.


I hope he governs as a President where he is the President of all the people, not just the Left like Obama does


i discover it extremely perplexing to have confidence the determination making purposes of somebody who thinks that dinos and persons walked the earth mutually, who ignores not elementary technological know-how, who completely disregards the structure, who thinks climate replace is a delusion, and that contraceptives ought to be made unlawful even nonetheless almost all persons voters disagree with him on all factors.


I think Romney is much more concerned with economic issues to maintain the privilege of his class.

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