If an asian girl tells her white boyfriend " my mother won't like you"...?

and the boyfriend asks " why, is she racist"? and the girlfriend replies " No, she is just chinese", what does this mean?
If it were a white girl saying this to her black boyfriend the answer "no she's just white" wouldn't fly.
Explain this cultural difference to me please.


Favorite Answer

Her mom won't like you because shes prejudiced. She either doesnt like you because you are "western" or because you are not specifically chinese. You could be japanese and she might not like you either despite similar looks. all i know is, shes prejudiced.

M Thu D2012-03-23T23:08:03Z

It means that the mom believes that a good relationship is best with someone who is the same; like no mix. Some people prefer to see their children with someone like them. They are like that because they have an idea that mix would be bad. The mom maybe had a bad experience with people. I would suggest that you talk more with your girlfriend about this if you still are confuse. Than try the best you can to work out this bump in the relationship.


her mother rather her date an asian guy because it's then going to be a culture clash.
white guys aren't that loyal as well which i cba writing an essay of white boys


White people are sensitive about race black people are. @ micheal jay you say the same thing everytime


I just date girls i like and do not care what my parents think about it.