When the Sun roasts the Earth in a few billion years, do you think it'll cook regular or extra crispy?


@Splash Frog:
It's like Mortal Kombat: TOASTY! XoD


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Humble-Desire, Effort,(Action) Humble-Maturity, (being willing to subjugate oneself to being the lesser, the one who seeks understanding, because of a recognized lack of it.)

These characteristics, are those that open the door to 1.Knowledge, 2. Understanding.

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Personal experience and understanding is the only way to success, so too, personal experience and a desire to understand from humility, is the Only way to find evidence for God.

It's an individual thing, no one can have "personal experiences for another.

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The Instructions:
Dan 10:12
Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.

Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Be Humble.

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So I've got more information for you Fox. The article goes on to talk about radiation output changes. Despite being a cooler burning star, it will release 1000 times the radiation Earth is used to receiving. On top of that, the article says this level of radiation will essentially be like the Earth doesn't have a magnetic field protecting it. Mutants... everywhere.

...where is the rest of my answer? That's messed up. I had a paragraph of stuff for you involving numbers.

If this edit keeps my answer (above), I'll add on what I said (in summary)
- The sun is expected to have a red giant radius 30 times greater than the current.
- The Earth is 98 million miles away from the sun.
- A sun with 30x radius is 13.2 million miles in radius.
- Not enough to reach Earth.
- Red giants burn cooler than yellow suns.


Will probably be like a Ferrero Roche candy ... crispy and dark on the outside with a sweet gooey inside ... until it all melts away into the cosmic furnace of the sun.

Splash Frog2012-03-24T02:44:05Z

It's going to be baked. Most scientists don't think the expansion of the red giant will actually reach Earth. So we're just going to be toasted. I doubt it will matter anyway. The planet will likely be too hot for anything to survive in a billion years. Sun isn't going to nuke for 4 billion..

Acid Zebra2012-03-24T02:46:13Z

I still say we should find a way to increase the mass of the sun so she'll go nova instead of the ignominious end of a white dwarf. It's so... pedestrian.

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