What are the Intensity Gate levels in Kid Icarus Uprising?
I would love an answers for all of them
I mean like which level have them and what does your intensity level have to be?
I would love an answers for all of them
I mean like which level have them and what does your intensity level have to be?
Favorite Answer
You have to play a Intensity ( Look at the gates number ) then once your done with that mini boss you get an item
Not sure specifically which ones have 'em. (though I'm pretty sure most chapters have at least one, some being in obvious places, and others you have to search for.) Usually they range from 4.0 to 7.0 but there are a few occasional ones that go all the way up to 9.0...never survived long enough to get that far, but maybe someday...
I'd say setting your intensity to 7.0 gets you in a few of em..