Muslims: Why will only white faces be saved?
In the great and final redemption, only white faces will be saved, and all blackened faces will be condemned - 3rd sura verses 105-106
In the great and final redemption, only white faces will be saved, and all blackened faces will be condemned - 3rd sura verses 105-106
Favorite Answer
You will notice that as scripture says
'hearing they do not hear', and the better your question,
the more they will ignore it, deny it, chuck this out.
If there is, however, a small flaw in your question, anything
at all where they can get in, just like when you catch something
in your own health, they will get in to attack this.
I have not found they are searching.
They will defend their own faith.
What is good though...sometimes are the stories of the
'ex-Muslims for Christ', and sometimes they say what
drew them away from Islam.;_ylu=X3oDMTE0MzJraXNjBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01BUDAwNl83MQ--/SIG=11v82hidb/EXP=1332698962/**http%3a//
and there are many others.
I'm glad you are doing this, btw, and hope to help in any way I can do this.
This is a dark force and many people need to be released from it.