Why do Cons hate Calif but love their high technology, computers, TV shows and movies?

and Calif also has a higher GDP than ALL the Red conservative states COMBINED! So why the hate, haters?

Patches O'Houlihan2012-03-27T21:53:18Z

Favorite Answer

After you bail Stockton out, without begging money from the rest of the country, red states included, come back and see me.

All the same, Stockton is just the first domino to fall, there will be more - Moral being, handle the fruits of California's uber-liberal agenda first, pay those bills, then you can wag a finger, until then STFU


What's with all the Funny Facts? hehe

Higher GDP? Which would be better to you: $1 Trillion GDP with $1.5 Trillion Debt? or $500 Billion GDP with $300 Billion Debt?

Why all the Bragging lately about how much people Earn, but Disregard how much MORE they Spend?

Okay, that aside.

I am loving Movies, TV and Hi-Tech LESS and LESS. You got some of the Richest People in the World, Running all Three of those Industries, Making some of the GROSSEST Profit Margins in any Industry, yet the Play Lip Service to Fair and Equal.

"I say I hate the 1%, therefore I get a pass." "My I-Pad Company makes the Largest Profit Margin in the World, and my Stock Sells for the HIGHEST Price per share EVER!, but I REFUSE to lower the Price of an IPAD to where someone has to SKIP THEIR RENT TO GET ONE!"

But, you glorify those people, because they Stand Up and VERBALLY agree to what you say, even though their Actions do not.

Really? Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan? WOW! lol


"Calif also has a higher GDP than ALL the Red conservative states COMBINED!"

What do you consider a "red" state? The conservative state of Texas has a GDP almost equal to CA and has less that on tenth the debt, lower taxes, lower unemployment, lower housing costs, lower gas prices, better roads, more property rights, the largest job growth in the last few years, some of the best medical facilities in the world.

But someone as close minded as you appear wouldn't be open to things that don't agree with the your vision of a totalitarian society where government take care of all your needs.


You are so ignorant. California's GDP is $1.9 trillion. Texas by itself is $1.2 trillion, Florida is $0.75 trillion, Georgia is $0.4 trillion, Arizona is $0.3 trillion. You get the point. On top of that, despite having the ports, and many major companies and having a higher than average tax burden per person, they can't break even. Only New Jersey has a higher percentage of failing public schools, the murder rate is much higher than the National average, the cost of living in most of the state is 3-4 times higher than one state over in Arizona, and to top it all off things are getting so bad that the population is actually shrinking in California even with the massive influx of illegal immigrants.


Most computers, tech etc comes from China or other Asian countries. Most TV shows and movies are just garbage

PS: They're practically bankrupt

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