So the Zimmerman story is everywhere. Why isnt this one?

Can somebody please explain to me, why this isnt on the news being blown up? Im not racist, but this is rediculous. You cant say anything bad about blacks in america, otherwise, your deemed a racist. But when a black does something against a white person, its thrown under the rug. Its not equal rights unless everybody has the SAME rights. So why are we blowing up this "White-hispanic" shot a "black" kid thing, when nothing is said on the news about 2 black teens dousing a white kid in gasoline and setting him on fire? Does anybody else see this?? How come anything negative towards blacks by whites is deemed racist, but vice-versa, its acceptable? Can somebody please elaborate?

@bookish: Please provide source for the arrest. Its not on here or anywhere, otherwise, your answer is moot


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Let me just clarify for all you liberals on here posting that the two boys were arrested. THE TWO BLACK BOYS HAVE NOT BEEN ARRESTED.
This news report is from TWO days ago and after everything that went on with her son at his school for being a white kid, the KC police STILL claim it is not racially motivated.


Because race relations in this country run only one way--towards the ghetto. Why do you think I'm conservative? I'm sick and tired of "special interest" groups that really are only concerned with how many of "you people" go pull the lever at the polls every month. Conservatives may not have all the groups for different races, but that's because we're not trying to categorically cube everybody off into their own little corridors. We're all AMERICANS. That's our view in a nutshell.

EDIT: To the first answerer: Zimmerman was NOT WHITE. He himself identifies as a Latino! That's like saying the Civil War was fought over States' Rights! Come on...

Zachary G

How about this one?

9 Month Old Baby Killed by Stray Ak-47 Bullets

The child was fricken sleeping.


The perpetrators of that crime were arrested. Zimmerman has not been arrested. See the difference?

Geez, this is about the 1,000th time this same question has been posted, and you guys never get it through your thick skulls that what we're complaining about is the LACK OF AN ARREST, not the fact that the crime occurred.


Because the black community and liberals (I guess they belong in the same group) get up in arms whenever a white man does anything to a black man.

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