Isn't the theory of the Oedipus Complex a violation of the logic of nature and therefore a post hoc fallacy?

Nature didn't write many laws into our genetic code. Two basic laws are: Preserve yourself and your species. Nature does not play around, nature is incompliantly logic. Any hereditary oedipal phase includes the incredibly small statistical possibility that some of the (male) young Oedipus-Remakes become successful, thus killing their fathers and copulate with their mothers. Given the time frames in which nature has to calculate it would also include the chance that those being stronger than their fathers early in life become the dominating subspecies by positive selection. That would lead in summary to the unnecessary loss of individuals and in the perspective over time to permanent inbreeding with all its negative consequences, which in the end after long time periods and many generations, compensating the low statistical possibility of success in the beginning, would exterminate that species. Why should nature do such a thing? The five or six laws nature gave to us she surely wouldn' t violate herself systematically.


Favorite Answer

The thing is, Freud didn't test his hypothesis. Because he felt strong feelings for his mother he assumed that every other male must have romantic feelings for their mother. Gustav Jung developed the female equivalent of the oedopis complex called the electra complex. But neither are based on very much evidence.


The concept is so dumb it's amazing that anyone ever took it seriously. Your "basic laws" are nonsense. People are randy as all getout, but they take no personal interest in preserving their species and only a loose interest in preserving themselves. (Most people are only afraid of hurting, not dying.) I never met a male of any age who had any romantic interest in his mother. Little boys want hugs from Momma and Daddy, but after the age of six or so they want no "mushy" contact. Freud was not in touch with reality, even though he was quite skilled in doing his thing.


lmao, i doubt many gays have dreams about their mothers like that. poor king oedipus.... his entire family was tragic, all at the cost of awesome literature. lmao hmmm..... why? is tht u have? jk! jk!!!! find someone who's like that, then name it after them. hopefully, they're not named oedipus. lmao Oh, there's a yaio on thi!!!! it's called papa to kiss in the dark, but it turns out the guy he thought was his dad was really his uncle, but they still do it. it's sick and adorable at the same time.


The complex is a temporary stage that boys go through early in their lives. Very few carry the complex into adulthood.


Bottom line:
ya wanna **** ya daddy
ya wanna **** ya mommy