...Created in Gods image? Can we create a universe?

If man can create a black hole then inadvertently or intentionally a white hole may be created. White hole mathematics (inverted black hole mathematics) indicate infinite energy and support the "Big Bang" theory.

If it were possible for man to create a black hole and its inverse a white hole (and a possible explosion of infinite energy) would that not mean that man can create a universe? What are the religious implications?


@Docjp -- Rather than answering an unanswerable question I defer to E=MC^2 and M=E(C^2) which indicates that matter and energy can be derived from each other. Spiritual energy is not part of this equation. :-D


@godless -- From your own resources "The physicist and cosmologist Alan Guth of MIT has put forth the scientific theory, called Inflation, that the Big Bang was just the result of a random quantum event called a vacuum fluctuation" -- still a theory. To be honest I believe that definitive proof of a "white hole" is probably about 15 years down the road, very much like black holes were thought to be imaginary 15 years ago. http://io9.com/5805202/mysterious-cosmic-explosion-might-be-first-ever-proof-of-white-holes (I expected something bigger than a gamma ray burst however...disappointing)


Favorite Answer

Quantum mechanics shows that "nothing," as a philosophical concept, does not exist. There is always a quantum field with random fluctuations. Current science shows that the Big Bang that created our universe is an extremely rare event that arose from nothing but a quantum vacuum fluctuation in the quantum field -- via natural processes. If another Big Bang occurred, it would form a universe that is separate from ours.

Black holes don't create universes. There is no reliable evidence for a white hole.

For more, watch the video at the 1st link - "A Universe From Nothing" by theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, read an interview with him (at the 2nd link), get his new book (at the 3rd link), or read an excerpt from his book (at the 4th link).


You are leaping ahead of yourself caught up in Intellectualism. Begin with answering the first question, which is: What is the "image" of God?
And the point of the quote is to inform Man that Man is constructed in God's Image. And by discovering this Image, Man can return to God. The Image is Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.


When the Bible mentions that we are created by God's image it doesn't mean by his power his means his qualities. On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Moreover, those who belong to Christ Jesus impaled the flesh together with its passions and desires.

chris aka God the Father aka cfeds aka THe Word2012-03-29T09:44:10Z

yes, man can and did create a(some) universe(s). Try not to think about it too much.


We create everything that is seen and unseen, we are the creators.