How will you celebrate National Atheist Day this Sunday?
@ Dreamstuff Entity, which one of these names was I not supposed to call you? "How", "will", "you," "celebrate," "National," "Atheist" (woops that must have been it) "Day," "this," "Sunday"
@Maurog IV, the problem with your thinking here is that you have failed to see, they "atheist," are not my brother. If they are an atheist, then there is no way they are a brother in Christ.
@Maurog IV, the problem with your thinking here is that you have failed to see, they "atheist," are not my brother. If they are an atheist, then there is no way they are a brother in Christ.
@The Sky is Over☾, yeah! a smart atheist, lol ;)
Favorite Answer
I will be at God's house worshiping Him, singing praises to Him, learning from His Word, giving back a portion of what He has given to me, and enjoying fellowshipping with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I like your subtly ... National Atheist Day. April Fool's Day is their holiday by their own admission.
Psalm 14:1 THE FOOL HAS SAID IN HIS HEART, “THERE IS NO GOD." They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.
I'm glad I know who my brothers and sisters are, and they aren't the world, aren't those who are atheists. It is interesting to me how they are becoming a religion, gathering together, and wonder if they will start having weekly 'meetings', and maybe offerings also?
I didn't see any judgment or slur in what you put, btw, so people who saw this ARE judging.