Do you believe in ghosts or demons, but not in God?

Explain please, thanks.


How about belief in Satan?


If you believe in one and not the other, how do you seperate them? How do you give credit to one and not the other?


Favorite Answer

No, I didn't know about demons. Had heard lots about ghosts,
hauntings and where things go 'bump in the night'. Had never
experienced that, so withheld opinion on it. I don't usually
just disbelieve people without a lot of information, and insight.

Once I came to the Lord, and got to know God more in many
ways, I also got to know about demons, about satan and
really experienced them. And did not like any of those
experiences, but great victories were had through all that.


I believe that some things cant be explained, but id have to see them in order to believe them.. or there needs to be proof...

If you said that a rock is made out of very small atoms like 2000 years ago, no one would believe you and it would seem impossible.. but its proven now, and It makes sense...

So if ghosts or whatever do exist.. we need proof first, not "OH i heard my door move"


As an atheist, I don't believe in any god.
But, if I wanted, I could believe in ghosts. (I'm not saying I do)
There is more evidence to support 'ghosts' (if that's what you want to call them) than there is for any invisible man that lives in the sky.


I believe in ghosts, but not demons.



ghost - ghost rider

demons = surtur

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