PC Racing game recommendations?

I'm looking for a street racing game with as much tuning and customization as possible. I have NFS World, Carbon, Pro Street and U2 already, and I wish they just made Pro-Street with free roam and cops because that would be the perfect game. I am way into all of the in depth tuning so the more involved the better.


Road Rash was an awesome game! I used to play that with my dad all the time when I was a little kid. Thanks for bringing back a good memory =)

sajeev bond2012-03-29T21:15:46Z

Favorite Answer

Road Rash...lolz


To be honest there hasn't been a good open world street racing game since the early 2000s. Test Drive Unlimited and TDU2 aren't bad but you need to be online in order to play it.

Reviews of TDU and TDU2 are on my blog


Get need for speed most wanted you can free roam and get into cop chases i reeeaaallly like it. Also midnight club 3 is good idk if its for pc though