can omega 3 cause high blood pressure?


Favorite Answer

Omega 3 is supposed to assist in lowering B/P, to my knowledge it doesn't elevate it.
Take care


Yes, Omega 3 can cause hypertension, as can a large number of other unsuspecting drugs, I.e. ascetominophen, anti-inflammartories, Vicks vapor rub, decongestants, retinol . . . the list goes on. Try Googling Mayo, hypertension & ascetominophen. The Mayo Clinic has a website that lists many of the known hypertension culprits.


Too much research work has been carried out. Bottom line is:
" Preventive- keeps arteries clean. Controls viscosity of blood. Controls BP, good for heart and brain. But once there is disease of heart / coronary blood vessels it can only aid/prevent further complications. Some claims are there that it increases Good Cholesterol, thereby decreasing cholesterol levels."
It is a very good substitute for meat, one must have fish once or twice a weak, if pocket permits.