Has anyone attempted to write while drunk?

If so, what were the results?

Steven J Pemberton2012-03-30T16:20:37Z

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Occasionally... I couldn't really tell that much of a difference between that and what I wrote when I was sober. Maybe I wasn't drunk enough...

Alcohol is supposed to help creativity, though really what it does is loosen inhibitions. Those inhibitions may have been stopping you from writing something brilliant (through fear of failing or looking stupid), but might also be stopping you from writing something crap. I already have a pretty good idea what I can get away with in writing, so I don't know if removing inhibitions would help. Maybe I should try plotting when I'm drunk...


Not as much "drunk" as "drank a little too much wine and felt funny", but I have written while a little inebriated.

I ended up going in a different direction than what I had already planned for the story. I kept the inebriated writing so I could decide later which one was better (I went with the sober idea since it fit better with the rest I had planned). I made a few typos, the most notable of which was repeatedly misspelling the name "Clive" as "Chive"--apparently tipsy me didn't remember that not everyone in the story had a plant theme to their name. XD

We Whistle While We Write2012-03-30T15:55:55Z

Not "drunk" per se, but tipsy? Oh yes. And the results were: success. I honestly think a little bit of alcohol brings out creativity and helps you let go of your doubts and hangups. However, if you actually get to the point where you can't touch your nose or sit up straight, there's no way you're going to be able to type with any semblance of skill. It'll be like, "and rthje Ash dngo twith the gitl and she jw".

I mean, if you wanna just have something entertain yourself the next day, sure.


I'm only 15, so I've never been drunk (nor do I plan on ever getting drunk), but I did try to write when I was in that hazy half-awake, half-asleep thing (which, in my life, is as close as it gets to being intoxicated) and I ended up deleting it the next morning because it was so embarrassing. All I remember is that the characters were named Harry and Hermione and the entire thing was just dialogue. They were in a tent and talking about horses. It was so weird.


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