Is Briana Amat going to win?


@Green 18, Green 18 - 5-0 vs Bad @ss - Bad @ss wins every time.

Green 18, Green 182012-03-31T16:15:26Z

Favorite Answer

Badass will prevail, we've sent him to the apartment of Amat's Compton lover, Jaquarius. As long as the police dont get involved, and search his trunk. But afterall this is Compton we're talking about.

@Jsp: A 23 yard field goal indicates that a drive was stopped at the 6 yard line. I know some 5th graders who can score a 23 yard field goal. Thats a chip.


Bad A$$ will fix everything. We just have to play the waiting game


No, her longest field goal is only 23 yards.


That depends...... did Bad A$$ rally up his homeboys yet?


@jsp her longest field goal is actually 32 yards, you dumbass.

I was kidding.

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