Crested Geckos: Buy as adults or babies?

Hello everyone. i wanted to get into breeding cresties. I was wondering, whats best, buying hatchlings to raiae yourself, or buying proven breeder adults?
P.S What kind of Crested Gecko do you recommend? Ie. Flame, Dalmation etc which one stands out more to you?


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Babies are more prone to stress and disease, so unless you're an experienced keeper of these animals and can really handle any situation with ease, I recommend buying at least a juvenile if not an adult. The adult doesn't need to be a proven breeder unless that's what you're aiming for, but you're going to pay more money for a proven breeder as well. However, the potential is higher with a baby that you could buy one low that looks bland, but that when it eventually matures, turns out some really nice colors or what not. That doesn't happen with adults because the sellers check them obviously.

Flame morphs will always be the standard, but Dalmation or Pinstripe morphs usually look cooler, although of course that means that they cost more as well, so bear that in mind. Go with what looks good to you though, it's all personal taste.


Feed it toddler meals thats fruit, like gerber point a million applesause, pears, etc. in basic terms placed it in slightly saucer and that they're going to come and consume it. you may upload some ReptiCal supplements in it.


Personally I prefer buying them middle age so you don't have to worry about them dying on you, but still have time to tame them

--P.S. I like the flame crested for their color.


I like seeing them grow up and watching them while they're young. They're quite interesting if you ask me. Don't get them too old or they might die as soon as you get attached.