Knowing what you know now, and the things you did or were involved in as a teenager, if you could go back..?

in time, what would you change or do differently?


Favorite Answer

Well, ...,
1) I would have talked to my parents and grandparents more to find out what their early lives were like. What was their childhood like. Also, to find out how the dealt with life altering situations.

2) I would have worked a whole lot harder in school to achieve more.

3) I would have been more bold to to speak out when I saw injustice or when change was needed.

4) I would have exercised compassion a lot earlier in life.


Unfortunately teenagers don't have those skills we have now.
If I had had some, I would have asked people more Q's about
what I got into because I didn't understand what was going on.

There were people who cared for me, SAW that bad direction
felt they couldn't interfere. Today, I would have assured them
I wouldn't tell others what they said, and asked their
'take' on my direction, and could I ask questions.

They knew. They saw. Must have been hard for them also,
as it was for me.

I didn't know the value of money, had saved quite a lot,
and would have invested it, not bothered with school.

Largely a waste, although I did enjoy some of it.
But didn't need it. Basically held back through
believing 'the party line', you have to get this
education and other things.

I'm just delighted the Lord was watching me.
He didn't let me go, so grateful.


I really don't think going back would change anything because we would have the same circumstances and influences all over again.

That would be like saying, "If I had been Adam, I wouldn't have sinned." Really? God made him our federal head because He knows the hearts of men.


For starters, I'd feed myself the winning lottery numbers for last week's Mega Millions. I'd also not being so shy in school and basically just rock everyone's socks off. Oh, and I'd be WAY better in bed, so my girlfriends would be like "OMFG!"


No. All the things I've ever done make me who I am today.