Venemous Snakes: Do Coral Snakes spit venom?

So im just remembering when i was 8, my brothers caught a Coral Snake and it would juat be shooting venom on the walls of the container. Just asking, is this a trait of them? Are they known for spitting venom? I lived in Miami FL at that time. (btw im positive it was a coral snake unless you know of other Florida species that are banded colors and that spit)


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The only other species in florida that looks anything like that is the scarlet kingsnake, they're all over the southeastern U.S. They don't spit, but they do musk, and at times can almost "spray" this musk in defense. It smells horrible So maybe that. I do agree with Geoff, it probably didn't spit, but as for the same family, coral snakes and all cobras are in the same family, Elapidae, though I don't think that means much as most cobras don't spit, much less all of the elapidae family.


no they don't. spitting cobras do and maybe some other snake in that family but i'm pretty sure coral snakes don't. it probabaly was a coral snake and it probably was venom but it probably bit the container and released venom rather than spitting.


I doubt they do are you sure what you saw was venom? Could it be throwing up or something dripping from the side of the tank?


No, by the way, when I was 8 I believed in Superman.


I don't think they usually do