People of the horoscopes section... Let's say magic existed and the zodiac signs were...?

divided into two teams, one team were the "Black magic Users" where as the other team were the "White magic Users".
Which zodiac sign would be on each side?
6 for each side, but since the black magic users are essentially devious I'll allow you to have the option of them convincing a zodiac sign of the opposite team to come over to the dark side (Probably through the means of offering an abundance of cookies).
Anyways, if you decide to do that, which zodiac sign of the white magic side have you decided will be persuaded?

So divide up the teams (State which side each sign is on):

ALSO answer as many of these questions as you can..
On the Black magic side:
Which sign would be the one who performs nauseating, magic rituals? Ex. Dipping a human’s heart in buttermilk and devouring it. (Well at least I think that’s disgusting, hopefully you all agree?)
Which sign would be the one with the pet cat? (Or more correctly stated: the human-slave-turned-into-a-cat).
Which sign would only pretend to use magic as a cover up for their psychopathic desires to torture and kill anyone they want? Of course no one would see them doing these things, they’d only see the aftermath and blame it on the curses that were put on them. So this person would be both crazy and a cheater.
Which sign would be the best dancer whenever there’s a curse that needs a group dance to summon it?:P
Which sign would carry around a voodoo doll of everyone they know, including the members of their own team? Oh.. And you can assume they carry around a bunch of matches and pins as well.
Which sign would be the one who curses people to have shrunken organs and appendages? Including the *Ahem* for guys.

On the White magic side:
Which sign would act as a cupid and perform love spells? And also sex spells for the more frisky clients.:P
Which sign would help heal sickness and suffering through magic?
Which sign would try to convert a black magic user into a white magic user.. Only to never be heard from again?
Which sign would perform all their spells for free and ask for nothing in return?
Which sign would use their magical powers solely for fixing Y!A and making it a more magical place?
Which sign would attempt to use their magic to counteract any of the black magic from the other team with no due success?
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Remember they are split up into teams.. and the goal for each team is to please the most humans. So now after you’ve answered the questions you have to choose which side interests you more. You can choose to go with the black magic side they’ll curse anyone you want cursed or you can go with the white magic side they’ll help anyone who you want helped. If you don’t choose the black magic they’ll end up cursing you. If you don’t choose the white magic side they won’t help you with anything.:P Also if you choose the black magic team they’ll give you power and if you choose the white magic team they’ll give you their appreciation. It’s really up to you and what you find more appealing.
Say your zodiac sign as well.

I applaud anyone who actually answers all of this.


Kevin, I like to think I'd join the white magic side. I'm not really one for cursing others..


Favorite Answer

Sag (the most daring one and brave--hero)
Virgos (the brains of the group)
Leos (leader of group and inspires others)
Cancer (holds the group together)
Taurus (the muscles of the group and creative one)

Aries (the most evil and exciting one)
Libra (the one that stands out)
Scorpio (controls the group though)
Capricorn (leader of group)
Aquarius (the brains of the group)

Aries: Black magic...its more fun for them and they have power
Taurus: White magic..
Gemini: Black magic, cause they're a little devious. It's exciting.
Cancer: White magic, it just feels right for them and they feel more secure.
Leo: White Magic proud and they want things right.
Virgo: White Magic. (virgins)
Libra: Black magic, but since they're never sure about things, they may also believe in good.
Scorpio: Black Magic obviously. They have that whole Pluto/Mars thing going on. They deeply believe this is the way.
Sagittarius: White magic, cause saggs are sooo nice.
Capricorn: Black magic. They invested a lot of time for this kind of magic and its the right and more strict approach to achieving power which gets them far.
Aquarius: Black magic, cause Aquarius are quirky and different and outsiders...
Pisces: White magic...

On the Black magic side:
Which sign would be the one who performs nauseating, magic rituals? Probably an Aquarius cause they're weird and probably a strange, smart doctor type of guy finds it interesting.

Which sign would be the one with the pet cat? The Capricorn who communicates with it and seeks answers from it.

Which sign would only pretend to use magic as a cover up for their psychopathic desires to torture and kill anyone they want? Probably a gemini.

Which sign would be the best dancer whenever there’s a curse that needs a group dance to summon it?:P I would say Libra

Which sign would carry around a voodoo doll of everyone they know, including the members of their own team? A Scorpio cause they're secretive.

Which sign would be the one who curses people to have shrunken organs and appendages? The Aries, cause they can be mean and daring and overreact badly with their tempers when they're mad.

On the White magic side:
Which sign would act as a cupid and perform love spells? And also sex spells for the more frisky clients.:P Leos for sure; giving gifts and showing off and the whole sex thing.

Which sign would help heal sickness and suffering through magic? Virgo, they want to fix everything.

Which sign would try to convert a black magic user into a white magic user.. Only to never be heard from again? Taurus, cause they're random kind of people and just have that kind of sense of humor.

Which sign would perform all their spells for free and ask for nothing in return? Cancer, definitely. They're super submissive.

Which sign would use their magical powers solely for fixing Y!A and making it a more magical place? Sagittarius, they're hopeful.

Which sign would attempt to use their magic to counteract any of the black magic from the other team with no due success? Pisces....
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Black Magic:

Which sign would be the one who performs nauseating, magic rituals? Ex. Dipping a human’s heart in buttermilk and devouring it. (Well at least I think that’s disgusting, hopefully you all agree?) Sagittarius
Which sign would be the one with the pet cat? (Or more correctly stated: the human-slave-turned-into-a-cat). Gemini
Which sign would only pretend to use magic as a cover up for their psychopathic desires to torture and kill anyone they want? Of course no one would see them doing these things, they’d only see the aftermath and blame it on the curses that were put on them. So this person would be both crazy and a cheater. Scorpio
Which sign would be the best dancer whenever there’s a curse that needs a group dance to summon it?:P Aries
Which sign would carry around a voodoo doll of everyone they know, including the members of their own team? Oh.. And you can assume they carry around a bunch of matches and pins as well. Capricorn
Which sign would be the one who curses people to have shrunken organs and appendages? Including the *Ahem* for guys. Virgo

White Magic:

Which sign would act as a cupid and perform love spells? And also sex spells for the more frisky clients.:P Libra
Which sign would help heal sickness and suffering through magic? Cancer
Which sign would try to convert a black magic user into a white magic user.. Only to never be heard from again? Leo
Which sign would perform all their spells for free and ask for nothing in return? Aquarius
Which sign would use their magical powers solely for fixing Y!A and making it a more magical place? Pisces
Which sign would attempt to use their magic to counteract any of the black magic from the other team with no due success? Taurus



Black magic team: Aries, Gemini, Scorpio (a given lol), Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius

White magic team: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces

Libra can balance Gemini's multiple personalities and Taurus can calm Aries, but no one dares to turn Scorpio :P

ALSO answer as many of these questions as you can..
On the Black magic side:
Which sign would be the one who performs nauseating, magic rituals? Ex. Dipping a human’s heart in buttermilk and devouring it. (Well at least I think that’s disgusting, hopefully you all agree?) ----Aquarius. They like it :x
Which sign would be the one with the pet cat? (Or more correctly stated: the human-slave-turned-into-a-cat). -- Sagittarius.
Which sign would only pretend to use magic as a cover up for their psychopathic desires to torture and kill anyone they want? Of course no one would see them doing these things, they’d only see the aftermath and blame it on the curses that were put on them. So this person would be both crazy and a cheater. ---- Gemini
Which sign would be the best dancer whenever there’s a curse that needs a group dance to summon it?:P -----Aries
Which sign would carry around a voodoo doll of everyone they know, including the members of their own team? Oh.. And you can assume they carry around a bunch of matches and pins as well. ---Capricorn
Which sign would be the one who curses people to have shrunken organs and appendages? Including the *Ahem* for guys. ----Scorpio

On the White magic side:
Which sign would act as a cupid and perform love spells? And also sex spells for the more frisky clients.:P ---Leo ♥♥♥♥
Which sign would help heal sickness and suffering through magic? ---Cancer
Which sign would try to convert a black magic user into a white magic user.. Only to never be heard from again? ---Pisces. Poor Pisces... D:
Which sign would perform all their spells for free and ask for nothing in return? ---Virgo
Which sign would use their magical powers solely for fixing Y!A and making it a more magical place? ---Leo lol
Which sign would attempt to use their magic to counteract any of the black magic from the other team with no due success? --Libra :((


NO WHY DID EVERYONE SAY CANCERS ON WHITE MAGIC YOU ALL TAKE US CANCERS FOR GRANTED.We are kind people but we ARE people so we break since we are fragile we when we're broken we go crazy bitter in fact everyone besides Cancer,Pisces,and Scorpio would be on white magic.Yes every Water sign will turn evil.I know because everyone of my friends are water signs very few white magic.friends.
Cancer would do all of those things for black magic and they'd and be Scorpio's crush bc we are dark nd sexy it also depends on the Decan wether they get into black magic with the water signs


And this ladies and gentlemen, is the Pluto in Scorpio generation :)

Scorpios would be the most black magicky...gory, weird and lugubre...

on the black team, Virgos and Geminis and Capricorns and Sag would join them...
Leos would sell them potions for cash and prosperity, so they become king of all the magic kingdom.

White side is Cancer, Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces...
Allthough, a few could go either way.
Taurus would go either way, Pisces also...

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