Would CM punk vs Brock Lesnar be a good match?

Or Brock is just perfect facing power houses like Cena and The Rock


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It could be entertaining but the match doesn't seem all that attractive to me. I don't really see "pipe bombs" being of much use against Brock Lesnar. Also, just by the looks of the two makes me not want to see that match. On one side you have Brock Lesnar who is huge. If a Gorilla turned into a human being and was white, it would look like Brock Lesnar. He's a beast. On the other side you have guy who is so thin compared to everyone else and so out of shape compared to everyone else, covered in tattoos.
I prefer Cena vs. Lesnar. Plus, I read Brock Lesnar actually has a real life problem or had a problem with John Cena. It makes the feud more personal and makes it better. Kind of like Rock vs. Cena.


I think Brock vs Punk would be a great match. In face probably even better than Brock vs Cena or Brock vs Rock.

Gigi "Superman" Buffon2012-04-06T08:52:50Z

Yes, I think it would be a great wrestling match. Brock can mat wrestle and chain wrestle just as good as Punk can (remember Brock is very athletic, cite the Shooting Star Press). I think it would work very well. I'd pay to see it anyday.


Brock would eat up Punk and won't even burp.
Cm Punk is too scrawny for him.


kind of. but i rather john cena then cm punk. no offence

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