How to start playing the piano?

So I'm 19 years old, and I've always loved the piano and really want to start playing it. I've never had any experience with it, and have only ever played the violin and flute once upon a time.

I don't have a piano, and want to start learning. How do I go about this?


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I would definitely recommend investing in a piano, or at least an electric keyboard (although the touch isn't quite the same), so that you can be doing a lot of practice. Or, make sure you have frequent access to a piano somewhere, perhaps at school/college.

Next step would be to find a local teacher. Although self-teaching isn't impossible for the piano, getting a teacher is the best thing you can do if you're serious about learning. They'll recommend starter courses/books as per their teaching experience, and you can get started.


Buy the one that's electric and start looking on the INternet 4 lessons. In my school u can take an elective and I got beginner's piano and now I'm in Advanced Piano and I'm really good at it. U can try that.