Girl trouble! I need your help here!?

I arranged to see this girl from my class for a snack before class one day. She comes in late and had no explanation for being late. Then proceeds to take out her homework and do that instead of having a snack with me. She then mentioned she was going out (with someone else) after class for a meal. What is going on here? She was never so rude before and when we met she was very attentive. This time she was inconsiderate and disinterested which was a first. I think this is a sign from her our friendship is winding down. Agree?


Favorite Answer

shes just not interested...its her way of letting you kno


you can still be friends with her. she is just probably preoccupied with her boyfriend as every girl does. she will hopefully and eventually see you as a close close friend so she can lean on you if she has a problem she can't control.


someone probly said something you said abou her behind her back!


Disagree she's getting more comfortable with u so she doesn't have to treat u like ur the king of Italy or something, Ur just good friends :-)