When will ps vita play psone classics?


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According to an e-mail reply by a Sony representative on a vita-related forum, PSOne classics will be available "later this year." There are loads of quality PSP titles available right now for download (though some are still pricey) but I, too, am looking forward to revisiting some of my favorites from the 90's. The only game I've purchased so far is Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (for PSP), but that, along with Motorstorm RC (Download for free right now!), should hold me over for some time.


sure, PSVita would be waiting to play the playstation One video games yet no longer on day one. what's conserving up the technique is Sony and the builders getting into the process the legal technique to license them for use on PSVita. relax certain Sony has you coated ;)


if i could play kings field, chronicles of the sword or star wars: dark forces on it i might actually buy one