How to deal with boyfriend being weird?

We're both in the last years of High School. So, we've been going out for like 8 months, and it didn't get too serious until about 2 months ago. We've taken it pretty far physically, and yesterday he calls and tells me he wants to take it back a few notches. I just don't know how to feel.
Thanks for reading.


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it sounds like maybe he did some things with you which he wasn't too sure about doing at the time. this doesn't necessarily mean that he regrets doing it, but he may have realised that he didn't want to move that quickly.
there could be another issue such as there has been a change in his body and he now feels more insecure about doing things physically?
I'd definitely talk to him about it if i were you; tell him you don't mind taking it slower and you'll completely understand but you just need a reason and you don't want to pressure him into anything but you're confused because you thought you both wanted those things etc.
don't worry about it, i'm sure he'll have a perfectly good explanation and that you two will be fine. You sound like you have a pretty good relationship without the physical contact so, whatever the outcome, there's no need to panic about what's happening.
i'm pretty sure you two will sort it out, good luck! hope this helps :)


Thats not that weird really, sometimes guys and girls just need to take a step back and look at things, maybe have a bit of a think?
You don't really need to deal with it as much as just talk to him, accept that he thinks maybe it is too much for now? I don't really know the relationship you both have, but talking about it is usually the best option :)


Maybe the speed you're moving at is scaring him. Maybe he's worried if you keep going at the speed things are going you'll end up married and pregnant by next year. That doesn't mean he doesn't like you the same as before, it just means he isn't ready for that kind of responsibility yet. You should be grateful he's cared enough to tell you rather than just walked out, it's probably a good sign :)


It could have multiple meanings. He could just be scared... maybe it's his first serious relationship and he's scared of things moving too quickly. Maybe he sees things headed in the direction of sex and he's self-conscious or something. Or there's also the unfortunate possibility that he found another girl that he likes, and now he's unsure how he feels about you. You should casually ask him about why he is shying away all of a sudden, you won't feel better until you do. Good luck.


That's unusual for a guy yes, but I wouldn't call it weird. It might be because of school, or maybe he just feels too young for something so serious. Also, relationships that start slowly usually tend to last longer, so maybe he knows what he's doing. :)

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