Won't Obama have a better shot at re-election if he..?

So, I am not an Obama advocate.. but the only way medical marijuanna will be rescheduled (it is currently a class I drug, along with heroin) is if Obama get re-elected or if hell freezes ove... I mean... Ron Paul gets elected.. so, Obama said before his initial election that he would legalize it.. now it is shown that if re-elected, he will do just that.. so why not do it now and have that many more votes? Do you think he will do it once he gets to debating with Romney?


Ok, I should have written it differently.. I do realize it's a low priority.. and I don't actually have a need to purchase marijuanna.. so those are not issues to me.. I also realize that Obama is our next president... really... there is no doubt in my mind he will beat Romney... I get all of that... I am saying why would he wait?


Jack if that was my priority and I didn't care if the pres did a good job I would be all over Ron Paul..

Joseph the Second2012-04-12T13:24:16Z

Favorite Answer

No. The Country ISN'T quite "there" yet. And Obama is Smart enough to KNOW That, & not Make it an "Issue..." :)


Very undesirable. Very undesirable. Very undesirable. An anti constitutional President which will employ 2 liberal best courtroom Judges that would have a damaging effect on regulations for years and destiny years.

Shane H2012-04-12T13:21:44Z

I think that will be another of his unkept promises. Why does everyone look at the president as a dictator? The president can reccomend the removal but congress has to approve it.


If the whole election for you hinges on whether you can buy Marijuana or not, you should probably review your priorities.

Short answer: No.


He is going to win without taking on that issue.

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