Person of Interest is Quantum Leap meets (blank)?

Or fill in two other shows.


Favorite Answer

Big Brother meets The Equalizer

frankly confused as to how you get anything Quantum Leap out of PoI..

MAYBE you could parallel Finch/Reese to Al/Sam... but even that is a major stretch as the characterizations of Finch and Al are so far apart


Person of Interest is very similar to Quantum Leap, minus the time travel. Reese is the Sam character, helping people without knowing what he s actually trying to accomplish. Finch is his Al, guiding him with his technology and information. The machine is Ziggy. Not a far stretch at all. I like to think of it as a precursor to Quantum Leap. Finch keeps developing technology and eventually will develop a time machine. Cue Dr. Sam Becket and the cycle is complete.