How do I wrap text around a photo in Microsoft Word 2003?
I am making a document with many photos and need to save space by wrapping the text around the photos. Any Idea?
I am making a document with many photos and need to save space by wrapping the text around the photos. Any Idea?
Aid S
Favorite Answer
Adjust the size of the picture by selecting the "Crop" tool on the picture menu. This allows you to contour the image to appropriately fit the page.
Double-click on the picture when it is placed in the appropriate location on the page. In the "Format Picture" menu that appears, click on the "Tight" option. Select the alignment of the picture in this menu as well. Center alignment will put it in the middle of the page.
Check the picture to make sure the text is in an acceptable and even distance from the picture. Adjust the picture to make sure its size and positioning are in the best place possible. Changes still can be made in regards to its location on the page.
Simply RED
Right click on the photo and select Size and Position > Text Wrapping > Tight.
Right click / format picture. On the tab with the various dog shapes inside a box (I forget what the tab is titled) select the wrapping style you want.
text wrapping
Nick M
thank you Aid S for your advice. I knew but I was not thinking about double clicking the image and I was concentrating on the word menu.