For sure will fail my English class?

Im a freshman in college and I'm doing so horrible in my English class. For the record, I've had at least a c+ and up in my English classes ever since elementary. I had a B in the fall semester. I turn everything in, but my teacher says that I don't do somethIng right with the paper layout, then he fails the paper. He doesn't look at the grammar or anything. And when I ask him for help, he gets pissed off. Other people have had trouble with him in the past. Not many, but they have been in the same boat. Should I fail or withdrawal? I have a C a B and an A in my other classes. I was put on probation last semester, but I was dealing with health and family issues then. But that doesn't matter at the college I go to. Help Please!


Favorite Answer

If you cannot get help from the professor, seek assistance from a fellow classmate. See if you can figure out who is doing well (or better than you) and see what that person is doing right. Maybe he/she can tell you what you are doing wrong.