Why is Obama so anti-America ?

For some reason he reminds me of that famous German guy who made a lot of speeches to a large group of followers.


Favorite Answer

Because he is the Anti-Christ. If he gets re-elected, the World will end on 12.21.12., so when November comes, VOTE RIGHT BY VOTING REPUBLICAN!


He reminds you of Otto von Bismarck? How so?

Also, in what way is he "anti-America"? What does that even mean?

Socialist Feminist2012-04-17T03:52:44Z

Obama is more like Neville Chamberlain. There are plenty of Republicans like that famous German guy.


He couldn't be a senator let alone President if he was anti-American.

Think about what you said, by the way. The President reminds you of a guy who was remarkably nationalistic, but you see him as anti-American?


Someone has gotten all cranky since Romney clinched the nomination. He can't decide whether to fall into Romney lockstep or keep up his paulish ravings.

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