DOOL...Are they getting ready to kill off Stefano?

It just occurred to me that he's made an enemy of everybody in town. I thought I heard the actor is having health problems. I'm just wondering if they're gearing up for a big murder mystery and then a big murder trial! What do you all think?


Btw, I just started watching several months ago so I don't know anything about years and years of anything on this show! All I know is he's making more enemies in addition to Bo, Hope, Marlena and creepy John E J and his own wife, etc.

Kitty 22012-04-19T13:26:35Z

Favorite Answer

I hope not but that is possible. Im wondering if he leaves who will mastermind his death.K2


As long as the actor playing Stefano stays healthy there really is no reason to kill him off. Stefano is getting some really good story lines after a few years in the background. It is nice to see him have something to do.
Days could also be grooming the next villian in the likes of Ian just in case the actor playing Stefano should die in real life.
Stefano has made enemies of the Brady family and others over the years so this is nothing new.


Stefano has kidnapped everyone in salem at least once, and changed their identity. Hope, Marlena, John black, Rafe i think he did something to Roman too, maybe thats when we thought John black was roman, stefano switched them around finger prints and all. he has always been hated and He and John black are brothers/half brothers. I thought I heard a while back he was thinking about retiring, but not lately.


I love Stefano. His character is very intriguing. But he's no spring chicken, right? He left the show a long time ago I think due to health problems and I was very happy to seem him back. But I wouldn't be surprised to see him killed off, or disappeared. Ian told Kate he would seek revenge for her because of what Stefano had done to her! She's the one who cheated on a man to whom loyalty and family means everything.

karen d2012-04-20T05:40:56Z

Well why not do it again? They have already killed him off eight or ten times in the past. Marlena killed him. Roman killed him.. I can't remember what else happened to him. Good grief. This show is so bad about repeating everything over every few years and the new fans never know the difference.

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