I'm going to try and make my own guinea pig treats for my guinea pigs, and I'm just wondering is it ok to put flour in it? like to get it to all stick together, I watched this video on YouTube and the person did but I just want to be sure if it's ok
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Please, please, please do not try to bake treats for your pigs!!!!!!! Even though you see sites on the web with recipes, it is an incredibility bad idea! All the recipes I have seen have too much sugar, fat and simple carbohydrates to be healthy. On top of that, home made treats tend to mold really badly if they get even a little damp and moldy food is deadly.
Stick to greens, veg for treats. If you must, give small amounts of fruit but no more than 2 or 3 times a week
It's a cool idea, but flour is a no-no. Guinea pigs are sensitive to gluten and feeding them flour can lead to bloat or other gut issues. Plus having flour as an ingredient means you will have to bake the treats and guinea pigs shouldn't have any cooked foods, only raw, fresh foods.
I've seen a few of those videos on the web. Most of the treats include yoghurt, honey, oats, flour, oil or egg, all of which are bad for guinea pigs. Guineas have a pretty good sense of what is good food and what is bad food, so the chances are they will turn their noses up at the treats because they don't smell fresh and familiar to them.
The best treats for guinea pigs are: - Fresh grass. - Forages such as dandelion leaves or clover. Check out this link: http://www.guinealynx.info/forages_common.html - Fresh vegetables. - Fruits in small amounts. - Herbs. Examples are parsley, coriander, basil, thyme, mint. - A new type of hay.
These are all part of a guinea pig's natural diet so they will gobble them up in no time! I hope this helps you :)