My dachshund has seizures.?

He is a miniature dachshund. He has seizures about 6 times a year. They last for about one hour. What I would like to know is anybody else's dog suffers from seizures? What to do while they are having a seizure to calm the dog? I just sit and hold my dog while he is having one. It doesn't seem to help much. Also I know that there is medicine that can be given to your dog to control the seizures, but I have heard that the dog becomes lethargic from it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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You need to go to a vet and discuss these seizures. It is true that there are preventatives available, and they do have side effects. But you have to weigh those against the side effects of the seizures. Usually they try to put the animal on the lowest dose possible to keep the seizures under control and if seizures are very infrequent, may not need to be prevented.

The fact that your dog's seizures last an hour, is pretty severe and can be life threatening in itself. If it were my dog, I may not have him on medication all the time because they happen so infrequently and there are side effects to the medication. But I would at least get some medication (phenobarbital/valium) to keep on hand so that we could stop the seizures once they occur.


Have you talked to a vet? Lots of things can cause seizures, and some of them are life-threatening. An hour is also a very, VERY long time for a seizure to last, which is especially worrisome. Even the seizure itself can be dangerous, if your dog is chewing something it could choke, or if you aren't around to hold it there could be injuries from the thrashing. I know lethargy isn't something you want, but at least your dog would be safe.


Take your dog to the vet. Get him on anti seizure medication before his seizures kill him. Alive and lethargic is better than a dead dog.


....umm...ok....6 times in a year...have you considered that your dog maybe suffering really you know whats causing them...just letting them go through it and leave them after it is not the correct way to care for a animal...i would suggest you take it to the vet