What is the meaning of the struggling I had in this dream?

There was this girl I love, but haven't actually met, in the dream I came to her house, but every step I got closer, I was struggling to stay asleep. I knocked on the door and she was in a shirt and silk pajama pants, she worried because I could barely stand (and she was as beautiful and vivid as I remember her). She told me to lay down and rest...

I was slowly weakening as I tried to stay asleep to be with her longer, I just remember screaming out that I missed her...

Anyway, the whole dream I felt like I was giving everything to stay awake, what does it mean when you fight like that in a dream, what is it that's waking you up?

Tl;dr: What's the meaning behind weakening slowly and struggling in dreams?


Favorite Answer

dont drink booze or smoke. Bath twice a day. Go to gym.