Justin Bieber Rude Much?


Honestly I know what she did was awful, but this is harassment... if not that extreme its immature he's 18!! and is supposed to be a role-model. Comment with your opinions


Favorite Answer

He is just horribly immature. Something he will hopefully grow out of in the next few years...


Justin Bieber? More like Justin Boober


I don't find that Justin Bieber was being rude. It seemed as if Mariah Yeater was trying every way possible to make Justin Bieber look bad. Mariah Yeater accused Justin Bieber of having sex with her backstage as well as being the father of her new born son for quite a while. Justin Bieber had to take time out of his hectic schedule to go to court and get a paternity test of something that he has never done. Justin Bieber tweeted Mariah Yeater a video of Borat saying, "You'll never get this" does not show that he is a bad role-model. A bad role-model is someone who doesn't look up to their name meaning, they are in and out of jail, posing nude for magazines, doing drugs or drinking alcohol and more. Justin Bieber does look up to his name and tries to be the best that he can be for his fans. He was raised by a single Christian mother that taught him well and to give respect. When Justin Bieber tweeted the video of Borat on Twitter all of the people on my Timeline that I follow were having a laugh about it. Justin Bieber is the least celebrity that is known as a bad role-model.


No lmfao that c*nt deserved it. That was pretty funny what he wrote. Accusing an international pop star with a f*cking girlfriend that he is the father of her child is much worse.


you're not a fan of him so it's obviously u rather criticize.
i would of done the same thing, the b*tch deserves it, i don't hear anyone criticizing her for what she's done.
infact she should be thankful, shes on the news again and that's coming from a non justin bieber fan.

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